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Lung-RADS Reporting System

LungView automates the complex management of Lung-RADS findings by integrating with your preferred dictation platform. This enables your radiologists to use the same report generation tools already in place, rather than adding an ancillary product to the mix.

Fully Automated System

Our fully automated system identifies and extracts assessments and recommendations for your lung screening cases, ensuring proper follow-up is documented for each patient. Further, our system will include this data and all other required elements for your automated LCSR submission.

Data Collection & Reporting

You can generate patient and physician letters based off of this data, as well as follow-up letters to your patients. Any non-compliant patients can receive notification, either directly or through their referring physician. We can also identify and store nodules and incidental findings through our extraction interface, ensuring that your team collects and tracks this pertinent information. We were the first with a BI-RADS tracking system, and now we are the first with Lung-RADS. Let our 27+ years of experience help guide your own lung screening program!





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