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LungView Integrations

LungView drastically reduces manual data entry by integrating with your existing HIS, RIS, or EMR. We can automatically import your patient data, history elements, and finding reports through our integration tools.

Exchange Data With Any HL7 Vendor

For instance, we can exchange data bi-directionally with any HL7-compliant vendor. This usually includes any HIS, RIS, EMR, PACS, dictation or pathology program your site is already using.

Save Time, Increase Efficiency

These tools save your team time collecting data with our extraction interface. Our results extraction, for instance, intelligently finds and saves discrete assessment and recommendation codes from inbound dictated results. This tool can also document radiation dose data from PACS/modality units or from the result report itself.

The more time we can save your staff, the more time they can spend getting back to what’s important, your patients.





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