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Automated Data Entry Solution Software

LungView was designed with ease of workflow in mind. We understand that manual processes are not feasible in the long term. The software offers unique solutions to capture the data you want, while reducing the burden of manual data entry.

  • Automatically extract Lung-RADS from dictated report OR one-click entry of result
  • All ACR LCSR data elements collected throughout the workflow and automatically uploaded to the registry
  • Easily view new patients, patients with a scheduled appt., and patients due or overdue for follow-up
  • Several patient history data collection workflow options (paper, interview, tablet, history portal)
  • History information can be sent to PACS for Radiologist to view
  • Simple pathology collection and correlation
  • Automated follow-up management

Simpler is Better

The axiom is true, “simpler is better,” and we take this to heart when designing and deploying LungView to your lung screening environment.




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